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Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint: Techniques and Exercises for Crafting Dynamic Characters and Effective Viewpoints
Nancy Kress
The Accidental Creative: How to Be Brilliant at a Moment's Notice
Todd Henry

The Shadow Of What Was Lost

The Shadow Of What Was Lost - James Islington This book is standard fantasy fare. Someone had recommended it to me as apocalyptic, but I'm 45% of the way through and still don't see that. This book is long at 600 some odd pages, and it shows. At several points there is meaningless travel reminiscent of everything you hate about video game quests. Yet the book kept piquing my interest every time I started to put it down. Still, after six weeks and being only halfway through, I think I've spent enough time reading a book that relies so heavily on prophesy, a trope I'm tired of. I did love the "friend turns out to be something unexpected" ideas, though.