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Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint: Techniques and Exercises for Crafting Dynamic Characters and Effective Viewpoints
Nancy Kress
The Accidental Creative: How to Be Brilliant at a Moment's Notice
Todd Henry

The Speed of Dark

The Speed of Dark - Elizabeth Moon This is a fantastic book where the primary POV character is an autistic man. It's set in the near future, where most autism (and other diseases, etc.) have been cured at birth or in infancy. The main character, Lou, is part of the last generation of autistics, born too late to be cured in infancy, but he did receive a lot of help in his childhood that makes him into a high-functioning autistic who has his own apartment, car, and job.

I loved the fencing, the conflict with Don, and the impending experimental treatment all the austistics at his job must choose whether to get. It has a [b:Flowers for Algernon|18378|Flowers for Algernon|Daniel Keyes|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1349012124s/18378.jpg|3337594] feel to it.

However, I felt like I kept waiting and waiting for him to decide whether to choose the treatment or not. 80% of the way through the book, and he still hadn't chosen, and only one person had even started the treatment. This is the only thing keeping me from giving it 5 stars, honestly.

And the ending was a bit too abrupt for me. I was hoping a decent portion of the book would be him learning to live after the treatment, but instead, we only got a taste of how he was like two people riding in one head. I did like that idea, but I wanted to see a little more of it at least. I'm glad he got to go in to space, though, but again, it ended too abruptly.